Originally we were using the MimeTypeAwareKeyGenerator class to generate the cache keys, we used this generator because some of our actions are used as REST services as well that can be used with JSON or XML, so what we did was to create a new generator that extended this class and made it not only mime type aware but also user aware, our class looked like this:
public class MimeTypeAndAuthenticationAwareKeyGenerator extends MimeTypeAwareKeyGenerator {
protected void generateKeyInternal(CacheKeyBuilder builder, FilterContext context) {
super.generateKeyInternal(builder, context)
def springSecurityService = ApplicationHolder.application.mainContext.getBean('springSecurityService')
if (springSecurityService?.isLoggedIn()) {
builder << "authUserId=${springSecurityService.principal.getId()}".toString()
With this approach we are considering the user id in the key for the caching allowing us to create separate cache entries if the user is logged in or not. So, now if you access a page and you are not logged in you will get a cached page with no user name on the top, but if you logged in you will get a page with your user name on the top that will be cached for the next time you access it.
Now you need to tell your Grails application to use this new class you created and to do it you just need to set the keyGenerator attribute of the springcacheFilter, you can do this via the Config.groovy, like this:
beans {
springcacheFilter {
keyGenerator = new MimeTypeAndAuthenticationAwareKeyGenerator()